Essential Oils for Gamers


Lemongrass, peppermint, orange, or lavender? Is there a new hipster ice cream shop opening up?!

No, sadly, but it is a list of some classic Essential Oils (EO) that can help you in the daily computer grind. I’ll be honest, when I first started diving into the world of EO I was new (a newb if you will) to the scene for sure. I assumed that the main draw to them was the pleasant smell, the relaxation factor, and that’s about it.


After doing a little research, I decided to get a diffuser to see if all the hype was legitimate or if it was more of a placebo effect. I started with peppermint since I've seen it featured in so many studies on EO

As you might expect, I noticed the lovely smell, but towards the end of the day, I begin to realize I was feeling slightly more in tune while typing my patient notes. Now as you might have guessed, typing notes may be one of the most mind-numbing aspects of a medical practice.

However, after using the peppermint EO I’ve continued to notice a slight increase in mental stamina towards the end of the day. If you know me personally, you’ll know I’m somewhat of a skeptic when it comes to most claims until I see it for myself. I can honestly say that since having the diffuser, I have noticed a difference in my mood. Granted, it could be from the lovely scents only, but I can say it has made a difference in my office.

I also wanted to include some further research and studies if you’re feeling ambitious.

Essential oils and their effects on relaxation and sleep

Essential oils and their possible effects on central fatigue

Now that you have a newbie’s perspective it’s time for an expert in the field. Without further adieu, I present Dr. Katie Dischler DC. I recently interviewed her and wanted to pass this quality information on to you all. I’ve linked her contact information/website here and at the end of the interview as well. 

The Essential (oils) Interview

Hello Dr. Katie! Tell us a little bit about yourself.

  • Hi! I am a mother of 2, soon to be 3 beautiful babies and I am a Chiropractic Physician who has been using essential oils on and for my family as well as my patients for the last 5 years.

Can you give us a snapshot summary of Essential Oils?

  • Oils are the life source of plants, trees, bushes, flowers, etc and they help support all the systems of our body

What are some of the Pros of using EO over typical western style medications?

  • When using a high-quality EO (Young Living is the only brand I would recommend) there are no fine print side effects. Such as: may cause insomnia, anxiety, depression, headaches, etc. In fact, many essential oils help support the immune system and aide with relaxation as well as being uplifting to your mood

What form works best for EO? Diffusion?

  • While diffusing Lavender/Stress Away/Peace and Calming can help calm and relax you before and during sleep.

What EO do you and your family use the most?

  • Oh goodness...depends on the season! Thieves is probably the most common all year because it helps support the immune system

Which oils would be beneficial for desk workers throughout the day?

  • Stress Away, Lavender- to help promote relaxation,

  • Peppermint- to help give you a boost after lunch or when you feel like you are dragging

  • Thieves- for those in close quarters with others who need an immune booster

  • Lemon/Citrus Fresh Vitality- to put in your water for flavor as well as supporting detoxification of your body

Which oils would be most beneficial for Esport athletes? While playing, post, and pregame?

  • Pre-game and Playing- Clarity, Motivation, Brain Power and Peppermint, Rosemary

  • Post-Game - Stress Away, Peace and Calming, Lavender, Frankincense

**All Essential Oil suggestions are Young Living ONLY. Some people may have reactions to synthetics or other added ingredients not always labeled in other oils.

Essential Oil Tips

When using essential oils for the first time it is always a good idea to do a spot check - place a little oil on a small patch of skin and see if you have any unwanted reaction to it before using it in other areas topically.

Another great idea is to use a carrier oil (ex: grape seed oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil, etc) this will help reduce the speed at which the oil enters your body as well as allow you to put it over a broader area.

*I rarely dilute my oils, but some people find it necessary depending on their skin as well as age (diluting with children is a great idea, especially for "warmer" oils).

Essential Oil Fun Facts

  • Why it is VERY important to use Young Living's 100% Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils-They can cross the Blood-Brain Barrier and take other nasty stuff paired with them as well!!!- YL has NO added chemicals or synthetics.

  • Inhaled- within 3 seconds, the oil can be found in the liver, thyroid, and heart

  • When applied to the skin- the oil can be found in the bloodstream within 26 seconds

  • When applied topically to the feet- within 20min, the oil can be detected in every organ system of the body

I would LOVE to answer any questions people have or help them start their essential oil journey. I also like to educate my team and help them along their way!!

Dr. Katie's Contact Info


YL# 1534941               

Thank you for reading the interview. I wanted to thank Dr. Katie for her time once again and helping educate us on Essential Oils. If you have any further comments or questions feel free to leave them below.

Thanks for reading,

Dr. Drew


2018 Wrap Up!


Vertical Mouse Review (not sponsored)