13 Quick Gamer Exercises

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Fellow gamers there is always time for you to reset your posture, stretch, or work on stability.

- Aristotle (I may have parapharased) 



This post is structured by the amount of time you allot during breaks. My goal is to show you that, yes, you have time no matter how short the queue is between games or scrims.


For you deskers out there, I want you to realize that you can do these exercises/stretches while you’re at your desk or taking a mini-break from the grind.


My goal here is to start you on the path of consciously taking breaks (not just mentally) to promote movement and wellness in your life. It only takes a few small changes for you to notice what pain-free working/gaming feels like. Implementing these changes is what builds the principles to better yourself for the long term.


Alright, noobs lets jump into the first timeframe.




30 s - 1 min for Gaming Exercises


The 30-60s time frame is the time everyone has access to, whether it is between BR games or between back to back phone meetings.


Posture Reset

One of the most important things you can do throughout the day

Resetting our posture breaks up muscle patterns, resets tight muscles or contracts chronically overstretched muscles.

Take 10 seconds to check your posture and set up to make sure it is optimal. Need a quick refresher? Check out my previous article here.


Chest openers



We want to open up the chest and stretch the pectoral group. While also activating the external rotators of the shoulder which are typically weak.

10-20 second holds here

Grandmaster Bonus --> Tuck your chin in to create a neutral spine and stretch the suboccipital muscles of the neck.


Quick Finger stretches



Typing, mashing the AWSD keys, or holding your controller for long periods causes the hands to feel crampy.

Fix that feeling with the stretches in the video and holding each one for 5-10 seconds depending on your needs.

Grandmaster bonus --> add in some simple wrist circumduction exercises. (below)


Get up out of your chair!

Make an effort to get out of your chair and take a light stroll around the office. Fill up your water bottle (half your body weight in oz is a general rule and more if you’re active).

Go see what Jeff from accounting is doing (probably not much, you know how Jeff is)




1-5 minutes for Gaming Exercises


Once again get up, move around. Do some walking dynamic chest openers, which is the chest opener but a more fluid constant motion. Feel where you’re restricted or tight and work into those motions


Hamstring stretches


Seated Hammy Stretch

Seated Hammy Stretch

Supine Hammy Stretch

Supine Hammy Stretch


Sitting all day tends to tighten our hamstrings especially if you sit with your feet tucked behind you or underneath you

We want to hold this stretch for 15-20 seconds. Then work to the next barrier and repeat the 15-20 second hold.


Hip flexor/Quad stretch combo



We’re killing two birds with one stone here because we got some gaming to get back to. Sitting for prolonged periods will cause tightness in our hip flexors. Lack of movement while sitting also tends to make the quads feel “crampy.”

I suffer from tight quads with prolonged sitting, which makes this stretch one of my best friends.

20 second holds here once again.


Full Wrist stretch with mobilization


Prayer Pose

Prayer Pose

While in prayer pose, move the position side to side slowly

Self end range flexion and extension

Self end range flexion and extension

Wall Pec Stretches at 90, 45 up and 45 down


Trapezius Stretch with Traction

Trapezius Stretch with Traction

Traction up with slight pull to the opposite shoulder


This is one of my go-tos throughout the workday

15-20 hold with slight traction upward. Not directly downward.


Quick Round of Push-ups to Fatigue



Wide, narrow, diamond, or knuckle variations I'm a fan of all of them. The preference is what is most comfortable to you and what muscle groups you feel need the most work. Performing a quick round of push-ups will give you a boost of energy for the next game and get “the blood flowing.”


Plank Variations to Fatigue


Supine - my go-to for us gamers







Grandmaster→ stir the pot variation, but first, you need to get down the basic plank before jumping to this. Quality is always first


stir the pot.jpg


Quick Gaming Exercises Wrap-up


There are hundreds of different gaming exercises you can implement in these short timeframes. However, I wanted to give examples that address common problematic areas in gamers/deskers.


The sister post to this will be more extended time frames with a sample workout that you can (should) do during the day.


I find that working out early in the morning before starting my day gives me a massive boost in energy throughout the day. I know that sleeping in that extra hour feels sooooooooooo good at the time, but I honestly feel sluggish for the rest of the day. Try it then thank me later!




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