Raynor Pro Series Review

Raynor Review.png

Why bother choosing a certain chair? Because that chair says something about you.

David Bowie


I couldn’t agree with you more good sir! I’ve said this numerous times, and I’ll continue to say it, “Not all “gaming” chairs are created equal.” So when I began my search for a new office chair, I knew the options were endless. 


I knew I wanted a chair that reflected my personality, something with a little pizazz but still showed the professional side of me that I have student loans from 8 years of schooling. I also needed a chair with a plethora of adjustability and of course, high-quality materials. 


I knew the usual candidates, but I also wanted to test drive a couple as well. While I was treating athletes over at the Cavs Legion facility, I sat in a couple of different chairs and found a winner in Raynor Gaming’s Pro Series chair. 


Full disclosure I was partnered with Raynor Gaming at the time of written this, but I have since moved on. My outlook on my blog is similar to my outlook on life. I’m completely transparent and blunt to a fault sometimes. 

My aim with this post is to point out the pros and cons of the Pro Series.So let’s get into the meat and potatoes of the article, some pictures, and of course some GIFs!

The Setup

My reaction upon opening the box was the usual “Kid at Christmas” reaction. After we calmed down from that new toy feeling, I got down to business. 



  • The instructions were easy to read

  • The fasteners were in separate compartments, which is always appreciated.

  • Adjustability started at setup with the ability to slide the armrest in or out depending on your desk width.



  • I did find that popping in the wheels was a little clunky but do-able..

The Lower Half of the Throne



  • Rolling around in this chair is soooo satisfying and smooth

    • One of the significant issues with low-quality chairs is wheel construction. If you are the type of person who wheels from one side of your desk to another, you may be getting back pain from this awkward straining movement.

    • I always recommend getting up and moving, but if you aren’t, then you need to have a chair that has some glide.

    • Height adjustability of the chair is extensive. I’m able to actually accommodate my legs. I’m still confused about how most chair manufacturers seem to miss the boat here.

      • I’m 6’2,’’ and the majority of chairs don’t accommodate my legs while sitting.

      • Taller individuals will appreciate the height adjustability here tremendously.

      • The controls for tilting, locking the backrest, and height adjustment have high quality yet light feel. I love sitting in my chair and just flicking the switches on and off (weird I know let’s not judge).



  • Weight distribution of the seat could be improved both in terms of foam quality and material elasticity

  • Adjustability of the seat pan both in terms of tilt and translation would be a great addition here. Higher-end office chairs have these features and are crucial for proper ergonomics.

The Upper Throne



  • The material in the lumbar support and backrest are from Outlast material, which prevents excessive heating while sitting for prolonged periods.

  • The lumbar support is detachable like most chairs, but Raynor has elastic straps, so the support stays in place.

    • Having the support stay in place even while sitting is crucial for overall lumbar support of the L/S with prolonged sessions. Non-elastic supports tend to slide up and down when you move, which can cause the support to be too high or low for your back, causing unwanted “curves” in the spine.



  • The lumbar support detaches easily with a simple clip, which gives you the ability to sit without support. I do this commonly to changed up body position. Changing positions is key when you’re gaming to vary muscle/tissue strain.




  • One of my most significant issues was with the handle mechanism for adjusting the backrest angle. I found it to be a bit clunky when adjusting. Although once you have the angle set, I rarely use it unless I’m cashin’ a nap at lunch.

  • The tilt mechanism would be vastly improved if the seat and back rest moved independently of one another. This would provide more active sitting postures and limit the compression of the posterior thigh while moving.

  • The lumbar support is an improvement from most manufacturers but still could be more broad to induce lordosis gradually.




  • The adjustability here is better than most gaming chairs on the market

    • Forward and back adjustability is fantastic for getting the right depth for forearm and elbow support

    • The horizontal slide adjustment once again is crucial for hitting the “sweet spot” for the forearm and elbow.

    • They also adjust in the transverse plane about 15 degrees, allowing you to be supported if you tilt your keyboard while you play. I use this feature to allow me to fit into the opening of my desk a little easier

    • The armrests, of‌ ‌course, adjust vertically, so you can slide under your desk if you prefer to have your desk support your forearms rather than the rests.

    • The armrests are flat, which is beneficial for decreasing pressure points from prolonged weight bearing on the elbows/forearms. They have a taper, but they taper down which produced no positive or negative response for me



  • When you are first getting accustomed to the chair, I noticed a minute wobble of the rests but then I realized that this allowed them to rotate on the transverse plane. This is strictly up to everyone’s preferences, but it doesn’t bother me whatsoever, and I would gladly have that for increased adjustability.

  • After using the chair for a few months I’ve noticed the armrest continue to wobble and feel clunky

  • The material could be a bit more forgiving for the elbows

Ya but should I buy the Pro Series or not


My take on investing into equipment for gaming or at your desk is simple: If you make a living from streaming, gaming, or at a computer, then you need to invest in your long-term health with quality products.


When is the last time you saw a pro or semi-pro basketball player in Skechers? Have you seen a carpenter with a plastic hammer? Exactly so invest in the tools that allow you to perform your job better. 


The overall design and build of the Pro Series chair is better than most in the space. As you can see from above, the pros outweigh the cons. However, there’s signifigant room for improvement with the chair both in terms of material and mechanism design.


Once again, I always want to be transparent with these reviews. You don’t build credibility by using smoke and mirrors. You do it by providing quality and honest advice. 


Game On,

Dr. Drew @FTW


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